Harmony Acupuncture will remain closed under Level 5 restrictions until further notice. If you would like to order supplements, etc please contact Linda on 087 69 42140 or info@harmonyacu.com to arrange delivery.
Welcome to Harmony Acupuncture Clinic
The Harmony Acupuncture Clinic offers acupuncture and a wide range of traditional Chinese medicine treatments and supplements by qualified practitioner Linda Lyons, Lic.Ac., Dip.Ac. and member of Acupuncture Foundation Professional Association.
Linda studied acupuncture in N.U.I.Galway in 1996 with the Acupuncture Foundation of Ireland for three years and then furthered her training in Nanjing University and hospital.
The philosophy of the clinic, located in Galway, is to promote physical, emotional and mental well being, based on the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine.