Linda Lyons, owner of Harmony Acupuncture Clinic, is a fully qualified registered practitioner with the Acupuncture Foundation Professional Association which means the highest standards of care and best practice are assured.
Linda trained with the Acupuncture Foundation of Ireland for three years and then undertook further practical training in the School of Chinese Medicine in Nanjing, China. After 20 years in practice she is delighted to be able to provide the same level of care for her clients in the new and specially designed premises.
Over the past 10 years there has been a significant shift in the methods people are using to treat a wide variety of conditions. The World Health Organisation approves a long list of conditions that benefit from acupuncture treatment. Harmony Acupuncture Clinic provides an extensive range of specialist services that range from fertility treatments to cosmetic acupuncture. Linda is also approved by VHI, Laya Healthcare, Irish Life Health and HSF Health Plan.